Seeing God hath made all things for his own glory, and disposeth of all things for the same; and seeing he hath appointed families, family-societies, & relations, that he may be glorified thereby: And seeing flocks of birds and beasts do preach forth the glory of God’s wisdom and goodness, in their kind: why should not flocks of men; who are rational creatures, created to gather in the rent from all the world, and to sing and set forth the praises of the Lord in a more articulate and rational manner, praise the Lord, after their kind? And why should not families, as little flocks, more constantly associated together, having their hearts and affections more united, and all things more one, than others, set up the worship of God, that they may sing his praises together, and learn of the birds, which sing more cheerfully when together, than when scattered asunder.
~ John Brown of Wamphray
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