A Costly Sin

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mail carrier bag letters costly sinA letter carrier in one of our large cities, found, on reaching the post-office—after going round his beat, a letter at the bottom of his bag, which he had failed to deliver. He ought to have gone right back, at once, and delivered that letter. But he was tired and hungry. He thought it was only an ordinary letter, of no particular importance, so he thrust it into his pocket, to be delivered the next day. Thus he failed of doing his duty. This was his transgression.

And what was the result of this neglected act of duty? For want of that letter, a great firm failed to meet their engagements; their notes were protested; a large mill was closed, and hundreds of poor workmen were thrown out of employment.

And what was the effect on the letter carrier himself? He lost his character. He was discharged from his office, and his family suffered all through that winter, for want of the necessities of life. Surely he found that “the way of transgressors is hard”!

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