The Winged Messenger of God
A good man, who had served God for many years, was sitting one day, with several other persons, eating a lunch on a bank very near a deep mining pit. He was the nearest of them all to the mouth … Continued
A good man, who had served God for many years, was sitting one day, with several other persons, eating a lunch on a bank very near a deep mining pit. He was the nearest of them all to the mouth … Continued
“Abraham had in his tent a house of God and a church, just as today any godly and pious head of a household instructs his children in…godliness. Therefore such a house is actually a school and church and the head … Continued
Here is the full video of the sermon that Joel Beeke preached at the Desiring God Pastor’s Conference of 2011.
A young soldier came to the chaplain of his regiment, and told him that the first night he was in the barracks, before going to bed, he kneeled down to say his prayers, as he was accustomed to do. But the … Continued
The Puritan pastor of Kidderminster, England, Richard Baxter wrote, “We must have a special eye upon families, to see that they are well ordered, and the duties of each relation performed. The life of religion, and the welfare and glory of both … Continued
The incident here referred to, took place in the town of New Brunswick, New Jersey. A horse attached to a wagon, in one of the streets, became frightened, and started off on a run. The owner of the wagon was thrown … Continued
On one occasion there had been heavy rains in a certain neighborhood. These rains had caused dangerous floods, which were through that part of the country.A laboring man, who lived in a lonely cottage with his little boy about 7 … Continued
Here is a brief video (1:36) of Voddie Baucham sharing about the real purpose of family worship. Allow this to encourage your soul and fuel your ongoing efforts, parents.
A little boy came to his father one day, looking very much in earnest, and asked this question: “Father, is Satan stronger than I am?” “Yes, my boy,” said the father. “Is he stronger than you, father?” “Yes, my boy, … Continued
“Family worship is a non-negotiable essential for the Christian family. Several years ago, I read a statement from Dr. John MacArthur about raising children. I cannot quote him word for word, but the central truth that I remember was this: … Continued