A Hero
Freddie Jones was a bright, intelligent boy, about ten years old. On coming home from school one afternoon, he went into the sitting-room, where his Aunt Margaret was busy sewing, and began to read a book on history, in which … Continued
First things first, as parents, we cannot succumb to intimidation as we set out on what is the delightful journey of family worship. I remember as a father of two young daughters the weight of responsibility I felt when I … Continued
Psalm 96:7-9 Ascribe to the Lord, O families of the peoples, ascribe to the Lord glory and strength! Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; bring an offering, and come into his courts! Worship the Lord in the … Continued
Susannah Spurgeon describes the nightly scene in their home: “After the meal was over, an adjournment was made to the study for family worship, and it was at these seasons that my beloved’s prayers were remarkable for their tender childlikeness, their spiritual … Continued
WHY USE ILLUSTRATIONS? They Open Windows. Charles Spurgeon was fond of referring to illustrations with the metaphor of a window. He said in his book Lectures to My Students: Our Saviour, who is the light of the world, took care to fill his speech … Continued
This is the account of a visitor’s memory of an evening with the Spurgeon family: “One of the most helpful hours of my visits to Westwood was the hour of family prayer. At six o’clock all the household gathered into … Continued
“Let me now therefore, once more, before I finally cease to speak to this congregation, repeat, and earnestly press the counsel which I have often urged on the heads of families, while I was their pastor, to great painfulness in … Continued
Sydney Smith was a well-known and useful minister in the Church of England. One day, a member of his congregation asked him how he could make himself useful. “My friend,” said Mr. Smith, “I will give you this short rule … Continued
“All parents, fathers, mothers, must take care that they are a good example to their children and families, that they express God’s holy truth in their lives. Godly examples are like the soul of the doctrine to children. Are parents … Continued