Teach and Urge
“Exhort your household to learn the 10 commandments word for word, that they should obey God. For if you teach and urge your families things will go forward.” ~ Martin Luther
“Exhort your household to learn the 10 commandments word for word, that they should obey God. For if you teach and urge your families things will go forward.” ~ Martin Luther
The quote on the wallpaper is the following from Richard Cecil: “Let family worship be short, savory, simple, plain, tender, heavenly.”
Christian homes look too much like the world around [them]: the same roles for parents, the same schools, the same entertainment, the same divorce statistics—is it any wonder that our nation is in decline? ~ Philip Lancaster
If you are in a church that has resisted the temptation to professionalize worship, you are blessed. If not, my heart goes out to you. In any event, family worship will deepen your appreciation for biblical worship and make the … Continued
The family, too, is in decline among Christians. Believing fathers generally fail to play their God-given role as the spiritual leader of their families. Christian fathers in times past led their families in twice-daily family worship. Today most Christian fathers … Continued
Some years ago a man became insane, from the accusations of his conscience, for having neglected his duty. He had been a watchman on a railroad bridge in Connecticut. When at his post, the duty expected of him was to … Continued