The Pearl of Great Price
Some years ago an English merchant was engaged in business in the island of Java. He got very rich there. He married a lady of that country, and returned to England. This lady could not get used to the customs … Continued
Some years ago an English merchant was engaged in business in the island of Java. He got very rich there. He married a lady of that country, and returned to England. This lady could not get used to the customs … Continued
Some Bible distributors in going round their district once gave a Bible to a poor woman. A long time after, in going round again, they met her, and asked her what she thought of the Bible. “Think of it?” she … Continued
The home may be the hardest place to live out our Christian lives. There is a reason that Paul addresses each member of the Christian family in the household passages of Ephesians 5-6 and Colossians 3. It is a sad … Continued
Family worship has the wonderful effect of centering our homes upon Christ. ~ Jason Helopoulos
When the celebrated Whitefield was preaching in England, a gentleman who heard him was thrown into great distress of mind. He felt as if his sins were so great that they could not be forgiven. He couldn’t eat. He couldn’t … Continued
Fathers, discuss what you read in your morning devotions. It takes no preparation, and is conducive to spontaneous discussion. If you missed morning devotions, discuss the Sunday sermon, or read through a book of the Bible together. The possibilities are … Continued