The Saved Sinner’s Gratitude
That good man, the late John B. Gough, used to tell this story: “One day I was going to meet an engagement to lecture at a town in England. I had six miles to ride so as to reach the … Continued
That good man, the late John B. Gough, used to tell this story: “One day I was going to meet an engagement to lecture at a town in England. I had six miles to ride so as to reach the … Continued
Primarily the elements available to the father (or head of the household) as he leads family worship are the same as those found in weekly public worship. At a minimum these three are most essential and should always be included: … Continued
An English farmer had three fine horses and a donkey on his farm. These animals were often put to graze together in the same field. Now it generally happens that horses do not like to have a donkey near them, … Continued
The lifelessness experienced in so many churches in our day can be traced directly to the multitudes of families in those churches which contain Sunday-morning Christians only. It is plain to see the cause for such deadness when such individuals … Continued
In this video Donald Whitney gives a brief and excellent overview of how to do family worship.
“Why did you steal my gods?” With these words, Laban ended a passionate speech against his son-in-law, Jacob (Gen. 31:30). In fact, Laban’s daughter Rachel had stolen the gods, doubtless to keep alive the memory of her family after moving … Continued