God Hears Prayer
One bitter cold night, in the winter of 1873, a Christian widow living in Connecticut was in great distress. Her money was all gone, and she had nothing with which to get food for her family the next day. She … Continued
One bitter cold night, in the winter of 1873, a Christian widow living in Connecticut was in great distress. Her money was all gone, and she had nothing with which to get food for her family the next day. She … Continued
Brethren, I wish it were more common, I wish it were universal, with all [Christians] to have family prayer. We sometimes hear of children of Christian parents who do not grow up in the fear of God, and we are … Continued
A missionary lady was telling the story of her work in China. When she finished, a little girl came forward and gave her twelve pennies. “Please,” she said, “I have been saving these pennies and now I want them to … Continued
A particular powerful method to [influence our children] is that family devotions are well taken care of in the home, as reading of God’s Word, fervent prayers, singing of psalms, necessary reprimands, teaching of the catechism, and summarizing sermons. We … Continued
In another land lived a skilled engineer, able to command a fine salary, but morally a waster. Christians tried to help him but failed miserably. He went down and out in his own profession and became a street car conductor. … Continued
The advantages and blessings of family worship are incalculable. First, family worship will prevent much sin. It awes the soul, conveys a sense of God’s majesty and authority, sets solemn truths before the mind, brings down benefits from God on … Continued