Prayer Before Sleeping
In a Northern hospital a little girl was to undergo a dangerous operation. She was placed upon the table and the surgeon was about to give her ether. “Before we can make you well, we must put you to sleep.” … Continued
In a Northern hospital a little girl was to undergo a dangerous operation. She was placed upon the table and the surgeon was about to give her ether. “Before we can make you well, we must put you to sleep.” … Continued
The ordinary duties comprehended under the exercise of piety which should be in families, when they are convened to that effect, are these: First, Prayer and praises performed with a special reference, as well to the publick condition of the … Continued
Many years ago a company of slaves were sold by auction in a Nigerian market place. When the market was almost over, a poor little boy was placed on the auction block. He presented such a miserable appearance that the … Continued
Husbands duty to wives – In seeking her spiritual welfare; her conversion, if unconverted, and her spiritual peace, comfort, and edification, she being an heir with him of the grace of life; by joining with her in all religions exercises; … Continued
A missionary to the mountain people of the South was once laid aside temporarily from teaching on account of illness, and she wrote the following account of one of the children of her charge: “I must tell you of the … Continued
“Would then the present generation have their posterity be true lovers and honorers of God; masters and parents must take Solomon’s good advice, and train up and catechize their respective households in the way wherein they should go. I am … Continued