No Longer Afraid
I was reading lately about a little boy who used to be afraid of being left alone in the dark. When he went to bed at night his mother used to keep a light in the room, and sit by … Continued
I was reading lately about a little boy who used to be afraid of being left alone in the dark. When he went to bed at night his mother used to keep a light in the room, and sit by … Continued
Some years ago there was a boy in England named Warren Hastings. His family had formerly been very rich. They used to own a very large and beautiful place in the neighborhood of the village in which this boy lived. … Continued
Perhaps you have seen the picture of two boys who were driving a donkey-cart. The donkey was lazy. In spite of all the beating they bestowed upon him, they couldn’t get him to move faster than a very slow, snaillike … Continued
I was reading lately about a missionary in India who was preaching one day to a crowd of people near a heathen temple. Not far from where the missionary stood one of the priests of the temple had a large … Continued
The same was true of Martin Luther, who brought about the Reformation, almost five hundred years ago. The Pope of Rome wanted to have him put to death. And Charles the Fifth, the Emperor of Germany, the most powerful monarch … Continued
Not long ago a gentleman was walking down Market Street. As he passed along in front of one of the stores he saw a man taking packages of dry goods from a box which had just been opened. The son … Continued
There is a story told of a certain king of Lydia, in old times, whose name was Croesus. He was supposed to be the richest king in the world at that day, and this has given rise to the common … Continued
A little boy, six years old, got his leg broke, and was carried home on a litter. His poor mother, who had long been sick, and was confined to bed, was very much distressed when she knew of it. She … Continued
One morning a wealthy farmer was kneeling down with his family at prayers. Among other things he seemed to pray with great earnestness that God would clothe the naked, feed the hungry, relieve the distressed, and comfort all who were … Continued
Two girls were going to a neighboring town, each carrying on her head a heavy basket of fruit to sell. One of them was murmuring and fretting all the way, and complaining of the weight of her basket. The other … Continued