The God of All Hope
I remember, some years ago, making a visit to Wilkesbarre in this State. A day or two before I arrived there, a dreadful explosion had taken place in one of the coal mines. Several men had been killed, and others … Continued
I remember, some years ago, making a visit to Wilkesbarre in this State. A day or two before I arrived there, a dreadful explosion had taken place in one of the coal mines. Several men had been killed, and others … Continued
Some years ago an English merchant was engaged in business in the island of Java. He got very rich there. He married a lady of that country, and returned to England. This lady could not get used to the customs … Continued
Some Bible distributors in going round their district once gave a Bible to a poor woman. A long time after, in going round again, they met her, and asked her what she thought of the Bible. “Think of it?” she … Continued
When the celebrated Whitefield was preaching in England, a gentleman who heard him was thrown into great distress of mind. He felt as if his sins were so great that they could not be forgiven. He couldn’t eat. He couldn’t … Continued
Some years ago Lord Wellington had an English army in Spain, trying to drive the French out of that country. A bloody battle was fought at Talavera. In the 42d Regiment of Scotch Highlanders, belonging to Wellington’s army, was a … Continued
Howie Malcolm was a little boy about six years old. He lived in the country. Once, in the middle of winter, he went to spend the day with his cousin Robby Darwin. Toward the close of the afternoon Howie’s father … Continued
Let me show you how Jesus put this same armor round one of our brave generals during the American Revolution, and protected him. This story is told of General Schuyler. He had a great deal to do along the Hudson … Continued
Many years ago there was a celebrated minister in Scotland, whose name was John Knox. He had a great many enemies on account of his faithful preaching. Some of these tried in many ways to kill him. When taking his … Continued
Little Georgie was a boy only about five years old. He was trying to love Jesus and be a good boy. He was one of God’s jewels; but there was a speck in it. Georgie’s fault was that he would … Continued
I was reading lately about a Christian woman who was kept on a sick bed, entirely unable to help herself, for twenty years. She had no use of her limbs. She was blind and dumb and suffered dreadful pains. She … Continued