Conveying God’s Word
There are a variety of ways God’s Word can be conveyed to your family: 1. By direct reading from the Bible according to a plan. 2. By reading from a sound Bible story book. 3. Through the use of a … Continued
There are a variety of ways God’s Word can be conveyed to your family: 1. By direct reading from the Bible according to a plan. 2. By reading from a sound Bible story book. 3. Through the use of a … Continued
Our church cannot compare with that of the seventeenth century. Along with the Sabbath observance, and the catechizing of children, Family Worship has lost ground. There are many heads of families, communicants in our churches, and some ruling elders and … Continued
The Bible in the pulpit must never supersede the Bible at home. ~ J.C. Ryle
Fathers, husbands – if you have been negligent in this duty and great privilege, repent by starting family worship today. Again, you may feel awkward about what to say to your wife or you children about starting, but simply say … Continued
Parents should teach the things of God to their children at every opportunity, and they should do so with the children individually and collectively. But both in biblical times and now, the best time for parents to teach the things … Continued
Basically, there are three elements to family worship: read the Bible, pray, and sing… On those occasions when time permits, consider these additions: catechize, memorize Scripture, and read other books. ~ Donald Whitney
Motivations for family devotions: 1. What better way to evangelize your children daily? 2. What better way to provide a regular time for your children to learn the things of God from you? 3. What better way to provide your … Continued
I trust there are none here present, who profess to be followers of Christ who do not also practice prayer in their families. We may have no positive commandment for it, but we believe that it is so much in … Continued
Brethren, I wish it were more common, I wish it were universal, with all [Christians] to have family prayer. We sometimes hear of children of Christian parents who do not grow up in the fear of God, and we are … Continued
A particular powerful method to [influence our children] is that family devotions are well taken care of in the home, as reading of God’s Word, fervent prayers, singing of psalms, necessary reprimands, teaching of the catechism, and summarizing sermons. We … Continued