Thieving Is for Thieves
Tempted to Steal A little boy, whose name was Jim, was employed by a gentleman to weed some beds in his garden. There was a cherry tree in the garden full of nice ripe fruit. He was told not to … Continued
Tempted to Steal A little boy, whose name was Jim, was employed by a gentleman to weed some beds in his garden. There was a cherry tree in the garden full of nice ripe fruit. He was told not to … Continued
A young man who loved the truth was a clerk in the office of a rich merchant in New York. One day this merchant received from a customer in another city, an order for a large and valuable lot of … Continued
The home may be the hardest place to live out our Christian lives. There is a reason that Paul addresses each member of the Christian family in the household passages of Ephesians 5-6 and Colossians 3. It is a sad … Continued