My Father Knows
Not long ago a gentleman was walking down Market Street. As he passed along in front of one of the stores he saw a man taking packages of dry goods from a box which had just been opened. The son … Continued
Not long ago a gentleman was walking down Market Street. As he passed along in front of one of the stores he saw a man taking packages of dry goods from a box which had just been opened. The son … Continued
Some years ago Lord Wellington had an English army in Spain, trying to drive the French out of that country. A bloody battle was fought at Talavera. In the 42d Regiment of Scotch Highlanders, belonging to Wellington’s army, was a … Continued
An English farmer had a dog that had been very useful to him. But the dog was getting old, and his master had made up his mind to drown him. So one day he took the dog with him to … Continued
Carlo was a very brave dog belonging to one of the leading citizens in a New England town. He was very much thought of both by his master and all who knew him. An intimate friend of his master gives … Continued
A poor, crippled beggar in a street of a large city was trying to pick up some old clothes that had been thrown to him from a window, when a crowd of rude boys gathered round him. They mocked his … Continued
Farmer Dawson kept missing some corn that was taken every few nights from the crib in his barn, although the door was well secured with lock and key. “Who can have stolen it?” asked his wife. “It’s that lazy Tom … Continued
That good man, the late John B. Gough, used to tell this story: “One day I was going to meet an engagement to lecture at a town in England. I had six miles to ride so as to reach the … Continued
An English farmer had three fine horses and a donkey on his farm. These animals were often put to graze together in the same field. Now it generally happens that horses do not like to have a donkey near them, … Continued
The story was told by an American gentleman who spent several years in Spain, engaged in business. He found that the donkey is a special favorite with the peasantry of Spain, and is treated almost as a member of the … Continued