One Bible in a Shop
Some years ago, a missionary in India, in going through a village, left a copy of the New Testament in the shop of one of the natives, that any persons coming in there might read it. A great many read … Continued
Some years ago, a missionary in India, in going through a village, left a copy of the New Testament in the shop of one of the natives, that any persons coming in there might read it. A great many read … Continued
A missionary lady was telling the story of her work in China. When she finished, a little girl came forward and gave her twelve pennies. “Please,” she said, “I have been saving these pennies and now I want them to … Continued
Recently, I read of a certain evangelical pastor of a fashionable city church who started a work among slum boys. He succeeded in getting a lot of them into the church parlors for meetings, and taught them the way of … Continued
An old preacher was met one of his deacons, whose face wore a very resolute expression. “I came early to meet you,” he said. “I have something on my conscience to say to you. Pastor, there must be something radically … Continued