Strength to Suffer Well
I was reading lately of a poor, sick Christian woman, who was in what is called the infirmary, or sick ward, of a hospital, in England. A friend who was visiting her, asked if she found her trust in Jesus … Continued
I was reading lately of a poor, sick Christian woman, who was in what is called the infirmary, or sick ward, of a hospital, in England. A friend who was visiting her, asked if she found her trust in Jesus … Continued
A little boy, six years old, got his leg broke, and was carried home on a litter. His poor mother, who had long been sick, and was confined to bed, was very much distressed when she knew of it. She … Continued
I was reading lately about a Christian woman who was kept on a sick bed, entirely unable to help herself, for twenty years. She had no use of her limbs. She was blind and dumb and suffered dreadful pains. She … Continued